
Friday, June 28, 2019

The Magical Matariki

This is my Matariki slide it is not finished jet.if you know something that I should put in it please let me know in the comments. We did this because we had a sol (student organised learning) sol is when the Teachers put up something on the TV and Matariki was one of them. I Got my info from Te-ara

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Winter Wonderland

this is my Winter Wonderland list about what you can do in winter let me know what else I can add to my list.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

T-rex world

this is what me and Owen have done for are screen stop animation were at the beach some dinosaur attack us Owen try to get to safety but ful into water and i got attacked hope you like it let us know in the comments.

My Positive Powtoon

In Literacy we chose a book each to read for Book Club. I chose "The Big Friendly Giant" (BFG). We had to do the book title, author and what is the book about, what did I like best, and what is the chapter about that you are reading. Have you read the BFG and do you like the book? Let me know in the comments if you have and also let me know what I can improve on in my Powtoon.

Friday, June 7, 2019

The Tacky Tasmanian Devil...

Task Description: In class we researched a piece of nature or a Animal and I chose the Tasmanian devil because me and my mum went to Orana Wildlife Park and I saw them. I know that a Tasmanian devil are known for its screams at night. Please comment any thing that I need to improve on.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

this is my maths for adding fractions with a different denominator this is how i did it so what does it =