
Friday, March 26, 2021

Super Scratch

Hi bloggers
For a Maori task the hub and I had to make an animation off of scratch and say what the weather is like in Maori mine says ¨ hows the weather? ¨ ¨ its hot¨. 
What is the weather like where you are? 
I think I did pretty well. Please feel free to give me some feedback on how I did in the comments.
Thank you for watching :)


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Weird Weather

For one of our Mãori tasks we had to speak in Mãori and talk about the weather on the video it has both in Mãori and English.
What do you think about Me and my friend Sophie acting?
I hope you enjoy the video🙃.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

So the scene


Hi bloggers 🙃

So today we had to draw the last scene on the paper and think what might happen next. On the first slide it has some girls at a disco and the other girls push her away from her friend and her friend is left alone but on the next scene I draw the girl comes back. On scene two with the boys playing at a basketball court and then some bully´s come and pushes one of the kids over to get the ball and play on the scene I drawed the other friend helps the boy and walks away with him making the bully sad cause he wants to bother him.

What would you do if you were in this situation?

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Treaty Of Waitangi

Hello Bloggers 🧐

For these past 2 weeks we have been learning about the Treaty Of Waitangi in inquiry and in my literacy group. For this task we had to make a blurb about if you were the British or the Mãori. For me I was a Mãori person speaking about Waitangi.

What do you think who are the good guys and the bad guys?
What do you think about the British coming to New Zealand?
And please give me some feedback😁